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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 78
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-137 (24 September 1974)

Homolytic decomposition of phenylazotriphenylsilane in carbon tetrachloride
Pages C4-C6
Hamao Watanabe, Yasuo Cho, Yoshihito Ide, Makoto Matsumoto, Yoichiro Nagai
Synthese D'α-ferrocenyl silanes optiquement actifs; stereochimie des reactions
Pages C7-C9
G. Chauviere, R. Corriu, G. Royo
Organocobalt cluster complexes : XVI. Vinyl derivatives of methylidynetricobalt nonacarbonyl: useful precursors to (OC)9 Co3 c-substituted carbonium ions and functionally substituted derivatives
Pages C13-C16
Dietmar Seyferth, C. Scott Eschbach, Gary H. Williams, Paul L. K. Hung, Ying Ming Ching
Promoting effects of molecular nitrogen on the isomerization of 1-pentene catalyzed by hydridodinitrogen tris(triphenylphosphine)cobalt
Pages C10-C12
Filippo Pennella
Pages C19-C21
P. W. J. De Graaf, J. Boersma, G. J. M. Van Der Kerk
Electronic structure and geometry of bis(dimethyl ether)allyllithium
Pages C1-C3
John F. Sebastian, John R. Grunwell, Bennett Hsu
Page C22
Elementorganische amin/imin-verbindungen : XIV. Synthese eines monomeren metaselenophosphorsäure-derivates
Pages C17-C18
O. J. Scherer, N. Kuhn
Organoelementperoxide von elementen der 4. Hauptgruppe
Pages 1-48
Dietmar Brandes, Armand Blaschette
Reaction of aluminium dimethylacetylacetonate with methylaluminium compounds
Pages 49-53
S. Pasynkiewicz, K. Dowbor
Reaction between cobalt(III) acetylacetonate and trimethylaluminium
Pages 55-59
S. Pasynkiewicz, A. Pietrzykowski, K. Dowbor
Structure and properties of a trimethyllead chloride complex with methylaluminium dichloride
Pages 61-67
M. Boleslawski, S. Pasynkiewicz, M. Harasimowicz
The molecular structure of a complex of tetramethylcyclobutadiene and aluminium chloride, containing a σ-Al---C bond
Pages 69-74
C. Krüger, P. J. Roberts, Y. -H. Tsay, J. B. Koster
Synthesis and reactions of 1,1-dimethyl-3-substituted-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrobenzo [d]-1,3-azasilines and their methiodides
Pages 75-81
Yoshiro Sato, Yuji Fukami, Hideaki Shirai
Organosilicon compounds : LI. Further studies of the base-catalysed solvolysis of N-(triorganosilyl)anilines
Pages 83-92
Mahabbat Ali, Colin Eaborn, David R. M. Walton
Bonding between sulfur and the elements of group IV studied by uv photoelectron spectroscopy
Pages 93-99
G. Distefano, A. Ricci, F. P. Colonna, D. Pietropaolo, S. Pignataro
Complexes of organometallic compounds : XXXIX. synthesis, infrared and mössbauer studies on monoorganotin(IV) complexes with tridentate ligands
Pages 101-106
L. Pellerito, R. Cefalú, A. Silvestri, F. Di Blanca, R. Barbieri, H. -J. Haupt, H. Preut and, F. Huber
Spatial effects and the structure of organoantimony aldehydes and ketones
Pages 107-113
V. L. Foss, N. M. Semenenko, N. M. Sorokin, I. F. Lutsenko
Electronic factors and the structure of organoantimony carbonyl compounds : Organoantimony derivatives of aliphatic-aromatic ketones
Pages 115-126
V. L. Foss, N. M. Sorokin, I. M. Avrutov, I. F. Lutsenko
Amine formation in the thermodecomposition of diaryltitanocenes in the presence of dinitrogen
Pages 127-132
V. B. Shur, E. G. Berkovitch, L. B. Vasiljeva, R. V. Kudryavtsev, M. E. Vol'Pin
Intermediates in the intramolecular ligand transfer reactions of h5-C5H5Fe(CO)2R complexes
Pages 133-137
K. Nicholas, S. Raghu, M. Rosenblum

Issue 2, Pages 139-279 (1 October 1974)

Actinide—amide complexes : I. Synthesis and utility of di-η-cyclopentadienylbis(diethylamido)uranium(IV)
Pages C23-C25
Jackie D. Jamerson, Josef Takats
Ligand exchange reactions in the preparation of trans-[PtCl2(Olefin)(L)] complexes
Pages C26-C28
Frederick Pesa, Milton Orchin
The preparation of (π-C5H5)Mo(COCH3)(CO)2As(C6H5)3
Pages C29-C30
A. Harris, A. J. Rest
Reaktionen gespannter C---C-einfachbindungen mit übergangsmetallen : VIII. Spaltung des cyclopropanrings im bicyclo[5.1.0]octadienyl—Fe(CO)3+ bei einwirkung von nucleophilen
Pages C31-C34
Rudolf Aumann
The chemistry of nickelocene
Pages 139-165
Kenneth W. Barnett
Intramolecular metal—double bond interactions : VII. Intramolecular cyclization of alkenyl derivatives of lithium, aluminum, gallium and indium
Pages 165-176
T. W. Dolzine, J. P. Oliver
Stereochemistry of the aminomercuration of 2-butenes
Pages 177-184
Jan-E. Bäckvall, Björn Åkermark
The chemistry and the stereochemistry of poly(N-alkyl-iminoalanes) : I. Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of poly(N-alkyliminoalanes)
Pages 185-201
S. Cucinella, T. Salvatori, C. Busetto, G. Perego, A. Mazzei
The chemistry and the stereochemistry of poly(N-alkyliminoalanes) : II. The crystal and molecular structure of the hexamer, (HAlN-i-Pr)6
Pages 203-213
M. Cesari, G. Perego, G. Del Piero, S. Cucinella, E. Cernia
Etude par spectroscopie Mössbauer de la structure d'organostannylimides
Pages 215-220
Roger Gassend, Yolande Limouzin, Jean Claudemaire, A. K. M. A. Muttalib, Claude More
Metallorganische diazoverbindungen : VI. Organische bleidiazoalkane (CH3)3PbC(N2)R
Pages 221-227
Rainer Grüning, Jörg Lorberth
The molecular structure of 4-tert-butyl-π-(tricarbonylchromium)benzoic acid
Pages 229-235
F. Van Meurs, H. Van Koningsveld
The nature of “Re(CO)3Cl”: Evidence for a tetranuclear structure
Pages 237-239
R. Davis
Ferrocenyl carbocations. The ionization of ferrocenyl alcohols in aqueous sulfuric acid
Pages 241-252
G. Cerichelli, B. Floris, G. Ortaggi
Übergangsmetallkomplexe mit N-haltigen liganden : VIII. Heptacarbonyl-dieisen-komplexe Fe2(CO)7L mit cyclischen azoverbindungen und 1,2-diazinen
Pages 253-263
Max Herberhold, Konrad Leonhard
The twinned and disordered crystal structure of tetrahedral tri-μ-carbonylenneacarbonyldicobaltdiiridium
Pages 265-272
Vincenzo G. Albano, Gianfranco Ciani, Secondo Martinengo
Über die wechselwirkung von bisphosphan-nickel(0)-systemen mit aromaten bzw. Mit molekularem wasserstoff
Pages 273-279
Klaus Jonas

Issue 3, Pages 281-421 (8 October 1974)

η-Allyl-molybdenum and -tungsten carbonyl, complexes containing aliphatic α-diimines as ligands and their solvent dependent infrared and electronic spectra
Pages C40-C42
A. T. T. Hsieh, B. O. West
The coordination of nickel(II) salts to a simple olefin in a quadridentate chelate
Pages C51-C53
Charles A. McAuliffe, David G. Watson
Ring closure of cyclooctatetraenetricarbonyliron complexes: Crystal structure of a bicyclo[4.2.0]-2,4,7-octatrienetricarbonyliron compound
Pages C43-C46
Michael Cooke, Judith A. K. Howard, Charles R. Russ, F. Gordon A. Stone, Peter Woodward
Pentamethyldisilylmethyl and related complexes of iron involving skeletal rearrangements, Fe---C---Si---Si--- → Fe---Si---C---Si
Pages C35-C39
K. H. Pannell, J. R. Rice
The interaction of hexaphenylcarbodiphosphorane with iridium olefin cations. Metalation of coordinated ligands
Pages C47-C50
William C. Kaska, R. F. Reichelderfer
Studies in organometallic rearrangements : III. Reactions of unsymmetrically substituted indenyl anions. Isomerization of the initial reaction products
Pages 281-294
Glenn A. Taylor, P. E. Rakita
Reduction des alcoylidene-malonates et -cyanacetates par les complexes LiAlH4/aminoalcools chiraux
Pages 295-301
D. Cabaret, Z. Welvart
Effets de sels dans les reactions des organometalliques : Etude cinetique de la reaction d'organomagnesiens sur le benzonitrile
Pages 303-311
M. Chastrette, R. Amouroux, M. Subit
Specific carborane-12 isomerization through dianions
Pages 313-322
V. I. Stanko, T. A. Babushkina, V. A. Brattsev, T. P. Klimova, A. M. Alymov, A. M. Vassilyev, S. P. Knyazev
Boronates allyliques, alleniques et propargyliques: Preparations et proprietes
Pages 323-337
J. Blais, A. L'Honore, J. Soulie, P. Cadiot
Reactions of group IV organometallic compounds : XXIX. Insertion reactions of (trimethylsilylmethylene)phosphorane with heterocumulenes. Inhibition of Wittig type reactions
Pages 339-346
Kenji Itoh, H. Hayashi, M. Fukui, Y. Ishii
Austauschreaktionen an komplexgebundenen liganden von elementen der IV. Hauptgruppe : II. Aminolyse von cyclopentadienyl-dicarbonyl-trichlorsilyl-eisen
Pages 347-355
Mathias Höfler, Jürgen Scheuren, Gert Weber
Force fields of X3MCo(CO)4 molecules
Pages 357-371
G. C. van den Berg, A. Oskam
Pulsed fourier transform NMR of substituted aryltrimethyltin derivatives: III. Proton data at 100 MHz and the derived Hammett σ-constant of the trimethyltin group
Pages 373-383
C. D. Schaeffer Jr., J. J. Zuckerman
Base-catalysed disproportionation and addition reactions of hexaalkylditins
Pages 385-393
E. J. Bulten, H. A. Budding
Reactions of aromatic sulphenyl compounds with organotin compounds
Pages 395-404
James L. Wardell, Siddique Ahmed
The preparation of ferrocenedithiocarboxylic acid derivatives and their spectral properties
Pages 405-414
Shinzi Kato, Masashi Wakamatsu, Masateru Mizuta
Reactions of π-cyclopentadienyltriphenylphosphinemetal diiodides and π-cyclopentadienylcarbonylmetal diiodides (M = Co, Rh, Ir) with 1,4-dilithio-1,2,3,4-tetraphenylbutadiene
Pages 415-421
Sylvia A. Gardner, Marvin D. Rausch